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InterSystems Ideas
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InterSystems Products

Showing 48

SharePoint File Service and Operation

Like File en FTP service + operation SharePoint has become a very common file storage location. Yes, we can make our own REST implementation but I feel this feature should be an IRIS standard feature.
Ties Voskamp over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Done by Community

Add a wizard similar to the SOAP wizard to generate a REST client from OpenAPI specification

Not all APIs used in integrations are SOAP and it would be really useful having a wizard that cuts down the development time of REST API orchestrations with IRIS.
Jaime Lerga over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Done by Community

Category dropdown to appear in alphabetical order (ignoring case)production config page

Different systems have different rules on the casing of the name of the system. Those with a capital letter appear before those starting with lower case (this includes second letters ect. The alphabet order is A-Z then a-z i.e. a system called eSy...
Mark OReilly 6 months ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 Done by Community

HL7 test message generator

A solution to generate HL7 test messages to test my production. IRIS for Health already contains many HL7 specific functions like the schema structures. Furthermore, one can use transformations to build custom messages. A tool or script is needed ...
Vadim Aniskin over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 Done by Community

Add Search and Sort Functions to the Queue Panel of the Production Settings side bar

In InterSystems IRIS and HealthShare productions can be composed by dozens of different components. To a better queue management, I propose adding in the queue panel of the Production Settings: A Sort button, in order to identify rapidly all the c...
Pietro Di Leo 5 months ago in InterSystems HealthShare 5 Done by Community

Automatic setting alerting rapid db size in messages log

As a trust we have had two instances of rapid db expansions filling up drive space. Once was a bug in the temp db, the second an error in Preproduction where dodgy code was running. It would be nice if there was a more manual "Warn" value setting ...
Mark OReilly 6 months ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 Done by Community

Make JSON representation of messages in Interoperability message viewer instead of XML

it will be much more readable
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Done by Community

Include support for GraphQL

Almost all our competitors have these feature. It helps to reduce HTTP traffic when used instead of REST services.
Jose-Tomas Salvador over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Done by Community

testing dashboard for InterSystems IRIS

The idea proposes to create a testing dashboard for InterSystems IRIS that would provide a centralized view of all testing activity. This would make it easier for developers to track the progress of their tests, identify any test failures, and tak...
din ba over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 13 Done by Community

Support for Liquibase

Liquibase ( is an open-source database schema change management solution which enables you to manage revisions of your database changes easily. Liquibase makes it easy for anyone involved in the application release proce...
Yuri Marx over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Done by Community