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InterSystems Products

Showing 334

Implement support to Fivetran, data movement platform Fivetran is the automated data movement platform moving data out of, into and across your cloud data platforms. Enterprise or free version available, including cloud, AWS GovCloud or self-hosted
Dmitry Maslennikov over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

InterSystems IRIS for Carbon tracking

Many companies search for carbon tracking software for calculating their carbon footprints. Such software can be made using InterSystems IRIS, but it could be better if there were specific pre-built tools such as in InterSystems IRIS for Health. I...
Heloisa Paiva over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 1 Done by Community

Include bar code/QR code recognition as a standard function

Zen reports, InterSystem Reports, and IRIS all have ways to generate bar codes and/or QR codes and put them on documents, but there is nothing to read them. Reading them relies on 3rd part packages and sometimes specialized hardware, depending on ...
David Hockenbroch over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Transient data

When modeling a new table or persistent class, allows to mark the table or persistent class as transient. The transient attribute will set how many time the data will exists in the database. Transient data is useful to persist temporal data, like ...
Yuri Marx over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Community Opportunity

Interoperability Production: "Add a 'Type-to-Filter' ability in dropdown selections"

Our InterSystems HealthConnect Environment uses multiple namespaces and in those namespaces we have hundreds of components. It can be really tedious and slow to scroll though each drop down to select a component in a routing rule (targets or sourc...
Victoria Castillo over 1 year ago in InterSystems HealthShare 1 Future consideration

Module deployment support via Production Export in Dev environment

Enhance Integration Production view Action-> Export dialogue. In addition to outputting a monolitic XML export of resources. This form should support the transparent generation of an IPM module and be able to push via IPM to named repository. I...
Alex Woodhead over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 Community Opportunity

Make all Production Item Settings available in Defaults Settings

This is in reference to the settings that are stored on the production class and cannot be put in default settings. These are Pool Size, Enabled, Log Trace Events As an example, there are many business hosts that are enabled on Live regarding aler...
Stefan Cronje over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Audit Lookuptables

Lookup tables provide a much needed configuration ability that allows us to use different values for different namespaces. However they are not audited so there is no way to track who changed what and when. Please audit them so we can see the chan...
Stella Ticker about 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Sample code share opportunity

It would be useful to have a place to share/request sample code, a place to review or recommend code improvements, especially when someone is new to some specific InterSystems product feature and not part of big team with similar skill sets.
Marykutty George over 2 years ago in InterSystems Products 6 Will not implement

Reserve licenses

Where a system is using user based licensing the allocation is first come first served. If there are dynamic connections, such as web based applications, it would be useful to reserve a license for a specific license ID to ensure availability. Thi...
David Underhill over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration