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InterSystems Products

Showing 334

A modern management portal to manage InterSystems IRIS

Current is outdated and not very effective sometimes
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Planned or In Progress

Add link to DTL Editor For Subtransforms

A fairly recent change was introduced where selecting a DTL from within the Rule Editor presented the user with a button to open the Data Transformation Builder Editor (DTL Editor) which took the user straight to the DTL. However, if you open a DT...
Julian Matthews 8 months ago in InterSystems Products 0 Future consideration

Remember Preferred language selection for Management Portal "forever"

Everytime that the session of the Management Portal is closed the preferred language selected is lost, forcing to the user to change it the next time that log in. Using cookies would fix this problem, keeping the language selection at any time.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration

HL7 test message generator

A solution to generate HL7 test messages to test my production. IRIS for Health already contains many HL7 specific functions like the schema structures. Furthermore, one can use transformations to build custom messages. A tool or script is needed ...
Vadim Aniskin over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 Done by Community

Reinstate Studio as a fully supported code editor

Studio is a focused no-nonsense COS/CSP code editor.Although I like VS Code a lot for other programming languages, I find it overkill to just edit IRIS classes and routines. I also like the idea of a dedicated editor: for instance I use PyCharm fo...
Herman Slagman over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Will not implement

Allow the Web Gateway Installer to map all requests (not only csp/cls/cxw).

When the Web Gateway Installer configures the Web Server (IIS, Apache, etc.) to direct requests to the InterSystems server, it does so only to certain URLs with a clear InterSystems-related request (e.g. *.csp or *.cls), thus allowing the Web Serv...
Tani Frankel over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 5 Clarification required

Set password through environment variable

In a continious integration processes, for some applications, for testing purposes, it's useful to run vanilla IRIS and run integration tests, for Python applications for instance And the best way to do it, is to use services feature in popular CI...
Dmitry Maslennikov almost 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration


LIMIT OFFSET feature is widely used by other databases. And it is a real pain at the moment to achieve something similar on IRIS SQL. Django ORM for instance requires this for pagination, and there is no way to make it some other way
Dmitry Maslennikov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Planned or In Progress

Globals Editor

A real good Global Editor with search functionality and easy to use
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Done by Community

Implement or incorporate a mocking framework to complement %UnitTest class

Interoperability components often have dependencies such as external connections or callouts to external packages/libraries. In order to create UnitTests, we need to mock those components with something like Mockito so we aren't required to write ...
Chi Nguyen-Rettig 11 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Planned or In Progress