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InterSystems Products

Showing 327

Exploring Image Vectorization: Potential Revolution in Unstructured Data Processing.

During the development of the application: and our studies on vector search, we did not explore image vectorization, which involves transforming unstructured data beyond text, includin...
Lucas Fernandes 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Already exists

Preventive Health with ChatIRIS: Integrating InterSystems IRIS for Enhanced Patient Engagement

ChatIRIS Health Coach , a GPT-4 based agent that leverages the Health Belief Model as a psychological framework to craft empathetic replies. Why is it useful? In Singapore, less than 1 in 4 go for annual vaccinations. Only a third of eligible adul...
Crystal Cheong 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Already exists

Multidimensional vector search

Hope vector search can add high-dimensional vectors, such as certain image feature extraction using three-dimensional arrays
xuanyou du 8 months ago in InterSystems HealthShare 3 Will not implement

specify libraries for vectorization or data preprocessing for IntegratedML

During the development of the application, we missed specifying how Integrated ML would work with the input data, converting it to a specific vectorization of Python sklearn...
Davi Massaru Teixeira Muta 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Planned or In Progress

Vector search support for llama-index with metadata

Llama-index is a super useful and performant tool for creating the vector store within iris, however the current integration between iris and llama-index doesn't support metadata (a capability of newer versions of llama-index). This would be a ver...
Somesh Mehra 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Community Opportunity

Vector search for knowledge graphs

The idea is to help clinicians and researchers easily get an overview of the landscape of clinical research trials in a certain field. They just have to input a general description of a disease, such as "A disease that affects young patients, gene...
Tanguy Vansnick 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 Already exists

Add Python linting to vscode when writing method in Python.

When you write a method using python you do not get any linting of the python code. This is slows down development in Python. One common mistake is bad or missing indentation which is critical in Python. While we know that there is an error the na...
Rich Taylor 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

Expand Vector Arithmetics

Enhance Vectore calculation beyond VECTOR_COSINE(),TO_VECTOR(),VECTOR_DOT_PRODUCT() I especially miss these functions: FROM_VECTOR to get the content of $ZV into a variable (JSON ?) ADD_VECTOR() for transformation. For INT and DOUBLE DiFF_VECTOR()...
Robert Cemper 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 8 Will not implement

Edit books : InterSystems IRIS for Dummies

In order to help the dissemination of InterSystems technologies, create, alongside documentation, supports in the vein of "... for dummies ". Examples : Health Data Orchestration for dummies Analytics for dummies Machine Learning for dummies Busin...
Sylvain Guilbaud 9 months ago in InterSystems Products 3 Community Opportunity

Remember Preferred language selection for Management Portal "forever"

Everytime that the session of the Management Portal is closed the preferred language selected is lost, forcing to the user to change it the next time that log in. Using cookies would fix this problem, keeping the language selection at any time.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration