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InterSystems IRIS

Showing 235

Add browser based terminal to Management Portal

Would be helpful for deployed servers in AWS/GCloud/etc. to be able to just access the terminal in management portal.
Robert Hanna 12 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration

Intersystems EF Core Provider

Details Intersystems EF Core Provider
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Implemented

Implement samples of $system.external interface (aka "InterSystems External Servers")

The new $system.external interface (aka "InterSystems External Servers") is used to call/integrate with external language code/libraries, it replace the old gateways (for example Java gateway) that required the import of proxy objects. For the old...
Enrico Parisi over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Implemented

Use of package management systems

There is no way at the moment to install any driver to IRIS for any suppoorted programming language. Java drivers not available on Maven (even, just fake empty files) Python dri...
Dmitry Maslennikov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Future consideration

A modern management portal to manage InterSystems IRIS

Current is outdated and not very effective sometimes
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Planned or In Progress

Remember Preferred language selection for Management Portal "forever"

Everytime that the session of the Management Portal is closed the preferred language selected is lost, forcing to the user to change it the next time that log in. Using cookies would fix this problem, keeping the language selection at any time.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration

Reinstate Studio as a fully supported code editor

Studio is a focused no-nonsense COS/CSP code editor.Although I like VS Code a lot for other programming languages, I find it overkill to just edit IRIS classes and routines. I also like the idea of a dedicated editor: for instance I use PyCharm fo...
Herman Slagman over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Will not implement

Set password through environment variable

In a continious integration processes, for some applications, for testing purposes, it's useful to run vanilla IRIS and run integration tests, for Python applications for instance And the best way to do it, is to use services feature in popular CI...
Dmitry Maslennikov almost 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration


LIMIT OFFSET feature is widely used by other databases. And it is a real pain at the moment to achieve something similar on IRIS SQL. Django ORM for instance requires this for pagination, and there is no way to make it some other way
Dmitry Maslennikov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Planned or In Progress

Globals Editor

A real good Global Editor with search functionality and easy to use
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Done by Community