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InterSystems IRIS

Showing 228

Built in Test data Generator

Automatically create test cases. A manual or automated test data generator. This tool will integrate seamlessly with InterSystems IRIS to generate a wide range of test data, covering various scenarios and edge cases. It will include customizable ...
Veerarajan Karunanithi 7 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Community Opportunity

Use the built-in feature engineering in AutoML to transform datasets

The IRIS AutoML Provider includes feature engineering to clean and remodel data sets. It would be beneficial to use the first part of the AutoML provider separately to transform datasets. For e.g. analytics without using machine learning afterward...
Felix Vetter over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Planned or In Progress

VSCode Delete Server Version of Source Code

When we delete a source code or rename the source code (routine or class), the old version still on the server, this cause a mess in server side with a lot of classes/routines that are not in use. Then when we delete or rename (I think this part i...
Cristiano Silva 7 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Planned or In Progress

Reinstate Studio as a fully supported code editor

Studio is a focused no-nonsense COS/CSP code editor.Although I like VS Code a lot for other programming languages, I find it overkill to just edit IRIS classes and routines. I also like the idea of a dedicated editor: for instance I use PyCharm fo...
Herman Slagman over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Will not implement

Errors messages to be more clear

I find it a bit hard to understand the error, maybe error messages can be clear or trying to detect misspelling and create a more understanding of error message.
Evans Tlhako 7 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Will not implement

Configuration Merge: Configure NLS Settings

To me NLS settings sounds a perfect Configuration Merge candidate. Currently we're running: do ##class(Config.NLS.Locales).Install("finw")set ^SYS("NLS", "Config", "Collation")="Finnish3" with iris terminal.
Jani Hurskainen about 2 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Linkage between BP and calls to using Translation (DTL's)

Understandably I understand that DTL's live as a different class file then the BP. When developing a BP, and using a "Translation" action it would be helpful is the DTL could pull in the references to the context variables being used in the BP. Fo...
Scott Roth about 2 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Needs review

Create real world application by using IRIS and python Streamlit web framework

Streamlit is an open-source app framework for Machine Learning and Data Science apps. We should have real-world application or startup template by using Streamlit and IRIS The idea fits the contest in the way that "Pytho...
Muhammad Waseem over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Community Opportunity

Private Variables

Provide variables that don't appear in the regular symbol table. Example: Start a server process and provide a Private Key. As long as the process runs, its value is held in memory. We don't want anyone to snoop around the Management Portal or an ...
Herman Slagman 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 6 Future consideration

IRIS and ZPM(Open Exchange) integration

Is it possible to integrate IRIS admin panel and OpenExchange, so people could see and install the apps just from there? Like you can install plugins in other products.
Elena E over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Community Opportunity