We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community. * Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.
Add new field in the Community Articles to link them with the official documentation
It would be really usefull to join the articles of the community with the official documentation, you would be able to see real examples directly from the official documentation.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos
over 1 year ago
in Community
Future consideration
Provide a Supported Mechanism for Custom Captions for Business Host Properties
See the justification and workaround here: https://community.intersystems.com/node/546311 The workaround above has drawbacks, so a formal, ISC-supported mechnism for providing captions for custom properties would be a benefit.
Being able to import classes into another class for example using ES6 syntax, this way you could reduce the use of ##class(Sample). throughout the document when it is needed repeatedly in more than one place.
A possible example would be to be a...
Joan Pérez
over 1 year ago
in InterSystems IRIS
Future consideration
List OEX business services, operations and processes on Interoperability wizards
Today only official business services, operations and processes are presented as options on Interoperability wizards, but could be great allows to the developer choose community adapters, business services, operations and processes from IPM registry
Yuri Marx
over 1 year ago
in InterSystems IRIS
Future consideration
Interoperability Production: "Add a 'Type-to-Filter' ability in dropdown selections"
Our InterSystems HealthConnect Environment uses multiple namespaces and in those namespaces we have hundreds of components. It can be really tedious and slow to scroll though each drop down to select a component in a routing rule (targets or sourc...
Make Every Operation and Service Expose its message classes
Every Interoperability Business Service sends a message of a certain type. Every Operation receives a request message of a certain type and then sends back a response message of a certain class type. Currently it is not clear which are the these c...
Evgeny Shvarov
over 1 year ago
in InterSystems IRIS
Future consideration
Envrionment variable support in System Default Settings
Docker commonly passes settings via environment variables. It could be useful if when resolving settings for production configuration this could also evaluate environment variables instead of deployed static values. Thus the container drives the b...
Alex Woodhead
over 1 year ago
in InterSystems IRIS
Future consideration
Make all Production Item Settings available in Defaults Settings
This is in reference to the settings that are stored on the production class and cannot be put in default settings. These are Pool Size, Enabled, Log Trace Events As an example, there are many business hosts that are enabled on Live regarding aler...
Stefan Cronje
over 1 year ago
in InterSystems IRIS
Future consideration