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InterSystems Ideas
We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community.
* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 37

Implement samples of $system.external interface (aka "InterSystems External Servers")

The new $system.external interface (aka "InterSystems External Servers") is used to call/integrate with external language code/libraries, it replace the old gateways (for example Java gateway) that required the import of proxy objects. For the old...
Enrico Parisi over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Implemented

Have nicknames for community users

Users may prefer to have their nicknames displayed in posts in Developer Community. In Japan's community team, we are discussing some users may not like to be identified by their real names so that they are reluctant to post their questions and ar...
Minoru Horita almost 2 years ago in Community 2 Implemented

Developer Community AI Chatbot

To ask questions and get answers based on the Community posts & documentation.
Anastasia Dyubaylo about 1 year ago in Community 2 Implemented

Career-oriented learning paths

There is no second opinion InterSystems is having a great community and a learning portal. Out of the learning paths available in the below link, I think we should have career-oriented paths. Please share your inputs https://learning.intersystems....
Aasir Waseer over 2 years ago in Learning 1 Implemented

Introduce WITH into IRIS SQL engine

Introduce the support of WITH functionality in IRIS SQL
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Implemented

New rewards

It would be nice to add new rewards ;) on Global Masters. For example cover for laptop camera playing cards pens wireless chargers powerbanks coasters etc
Irène Mykhailova over 2 years ago in Global Masters 2 Implemented

Prioritize search matches by title in documentation

The documentation searches are not prioritizing the matches by the title among all the matches when these matches are usually the best answer.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 9 months ago in Documentation 1 Implemented

Intersystems EF Core Provider

Details Intersystems EF Core Provider
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Implemented

Add Job location on for jobs opportunity section on DC In posts in Job opportunity, not always is clear, where it's located. It would be good to see, is it offline or remote work, and the location where if it's offline, or timezone for remote work
Dmitry Maslennikov about 2 years ago in Community 1 Implemented

Record startup and shutdown user id

Add the actual user id that initiated an IRIS startup and shutdown to the messages.log and also to the system audit database.
Colin Richardson 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Implemented