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InterSystems IRIS

Showing 228

Group selectable "Service class" by technology, not just alphabetically

When you are working in a production and you want to add a new Business Service / Operation the selectable shows a long list of classes, usually for newbies this list is terrifying. If the Production screen is going to be updated to Angular would ...
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Planned or In Progress

BPL, DTL and Rulesets in JSON and/or YAML

Sometimes when working with large rulesets, DTL, and BPL, it is easier to edit it in VSCode as XML than on the visual editors. XML is not the most legible format. If we could edit these as JSON or YAML, it would make editing it a lot easier. Not s...
Stefan Cronje 12 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Will not implement

Exploring Image Vectorization: Potential Revolution in Unstructured Data Processing.

During the development of the application: and our studies on vector search, we did not explore image vectorization, which involves transforming unstructured data beyond text, includin...
Lucas Fernandes 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Already exists

specify libraries for vectorization or data preprocessing for IntegratedML

During the development of the application, we missed specifying how Integrated ML would work with the input data, converting it to a specific vectorization of Python sklearn...
Davi Massaru Teixeira Muta 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Planned or In Progress

Create a UI for convenient and easy transfer of projects to other system instances for fast deployment.

Create a user interface for convenient and easy porting of projects (classes, globals, applications, users, roles, privileges, grants, namespace mapping, SQLgateway, libraries, web servers, certificates, products, business services, business proce...
Sergey Mikhailenko over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Done by Community

Manage SQL accesses to all or some schemas in a database, instead of managing it a the tables level.

Currently, the SQL privileges (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) are managed at the tables level, which can be very tedious when you have to administer many roles in an organization, and need to keep them sync with a constantly evolving data models....
Sylvain Guilbaud over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Already exists

Date format in LOAD DATA to indicate a date/datetime format other than 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'

Provide an option in LOAD DATA to indicate a date/datetime format other than 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' i.e : LOAD DATA .../...USING{ "from": { "file": { "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY" } }}
Sylvain Guilbaud about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Implemented

Implement support to Fivetran, data movement platform Fivetran is the automated data movement platform moving data out of, into and across your cloud data platforms. Enterprise or free version available, including cloud, AWS GovCloud or self-hosted
Dmitry Maslennikov over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

AI assisted debug

It would be great if there was a possibility to have AI asses errors when debugging and finding the reasons for them and providing ways to solve them
Iryna Mykhailova 4 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

Include bar code/QR code recognition as a standard function

Zen reports, InterSystem Reports, and IRIS all have ways to generate bar codes and/or QR codes and put them on documents, but there is nothing to read them. Reading them relies on 3rd part packages and sometimes specialized hardware, depending on ...
David Hockenbroch over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration