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InterSystems Ideas
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* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 96

Integrate Cloud Document DB UI into InterSystems IRIS

After testing Cloud Document DB Preview functionality it would be great to include most of the user interface into InterSystems IRIS in order to manage Document DB easily and in a very user friendly way.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

use Python Class Definition Syntax to create IRIS classes

Now that IRIS support Python, UDL syntax should not be the only way with SQL DDL to define/create classes in IRIS.
Sylvain Guilbaud over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration

Add GloRef and Executed lines in UnitTest portal.

Hello, It could be interesting to know the number of GloRef and executed lines in the UnitTest portal. Currently, the portal shows the duration it's good, but it could be better to add gloref and lines. I guess, I can log this myself using OnBefor...
Lorenzo Scalese 12 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Message Search - Criteria Ordering

When defining rules within the Message search the ability to add and move the criteria order. If I search sometimes, I want to add additional fields to be displayed, but I want them to be displayed in a particular order, so I have to Add additiona...
Scott Roth 9 months ago in InterSystems HealthShare 1 Future consideration

Add like to quizes

I think it would be interesting to add "Like" feature to quizzes for members to show appreciation of the question. And when the quiz disappears send an automatic message to the creator of the question how many users liked their quiz question and h...
Iryna Mykhailova over 1 year ago in Global Masters 0 Future consideration

Include bar code/QR code recognition as a standard function

Zen reports, InterSystem Reports, and IRIS all have ways to generate bar codes and/or QR codes and put them on documents, but there is nothing to read them. Reading them relies on 3rd part packages and sometimes specialized hardware, depending on ...
David Hockenbroch over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Searchable Index of New Features

Please can you consider adding a searchable index of New Features to the Documentation/Community pages? I would like to see the version that a new feature was introduced/enhanced/formalised etc.
Paul Hurley almost 2 years ago in Documentation 0 Future consideration

Managing message queue

Managing queue when we need to reprocess messages from business process is not easy in HealthShare at the moment. Any ability to hold current queue in business operation while repossessing large number of older failed messages from business proces...
Marykutty George about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 Future consideration

Interoperability Production: "Add a 'Type-to-Filter' ability in dropdown selections"

Our InterSystems HealthConnect Environment uses multiple namespaces and in those namespaces we have hundreds of components. It can be really tedious and slow to scroll though each drop down to select a component in a routing rule (targets or sourc...
Victoria Castillo over 1 year ago in InterSystems HealthShare 1 Future consideration

SQL Return ID

Add functionality to SQL to use RETURN on insert statements. To return the value of whichever field is specified after the insert. Can be useful when using SQL to insert records and you need the ID immediately without having to select it.
Stefan Cronje about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration