We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community. * Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.
Users may prefer to have their nicknames displayed in posts in Developer Community. In Japan's community team, we are discussing some users may not like to be identified by their real names so that they are reluctant to post their questions and ar...
Minoru Horita
almost 2 years ago
in Community
Hi, I spend most of my time on VsCode and I love the dark theme. But when I go to the InterSystems Community it's all white and I can't read anything. Is it possible to have a dark theme for the community?
Guillaume Rongier
about 2 years ago
in Community
Future consideration
Drivers and auxiliar tools accessible from Community
Many developers find out that they can't get drivers like jdbc or odbc without an account in wrc. If the Developers Community is promoting InterSystems technology is necessary to make accessible these tools from the Community portal.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos
over 1 year ago
in Community
Already exists
I think it would be grat be able to have a community on WhatsApp just as we already have a Telegram or Dischords channels, since WhatsApp is a more widely used application, more users could benefit from the latest news and participate in dedicated...
Daniel Aguilar
over 1 year ago
in Community
Future consideration
Add Job location on for jobs opportunity section on DC
https://community.intersystems.com/tags/job-opportunity In posts in Job opportunity, not always is clear, where it's located. It would be good to see, is it offline or remote work, and the location where if it's offline, or timezone for remote work
Dmitry Maslennikov
about 2 years ago
in Community
Delete drafts from InterSystems Developer Community
Today is possible create and edit articles and questions from InterSystems Developer Community, but is not posible delete the drafts. My idea is allows to the author delete his drafts
Yuri Marx
almost 2 years ago
in Community
Future consideration
On Developer Community put animated GIFs behind a play/pause button
For animated GIFs it would be neat if the DC software could use a technique such as this to automatically add a play/pause button: https://codepen.io/chriscoyier/pen/pogQJER That Codepen sample plays such GIFs by default unless user's browser pref...
John Murray
almost 2 years ago
in Community
Create a section like "Featured app" to a weekly article (featured article or question choosen by a moderator, not only a new article but any article or question existent.
Yuri Marx
almost 2 years ago
in Community