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Dark version of InterSystems Community

Hi, I spend most of my time on VsCode and I love the dark theme.

But when I go to the InterSystems Community it's all white and I can't read anything.

Is it possible to have a dark theme for the community?

    Mar 13, 2023

    Thank you for submitting the idea. The status has been changed to "Future consideration".

    Stay tuned!

  • Alex Woodhead
    Jun 16, 2023

    Another nice thing with use of css names on the site style sheet, is names for fonts.

    This makes it also easy to substitute the font for something more dsylexic friendly (Ariel / Comic Sans) per specific site

    @-moz-document domain( {

    :root {

    --font-family-default:Comic Sans !important;

    --font-family-heading:Comic Sans !important;




  • Alex Woodhead
    Jun 16, 2023

    Is good job accessibility isn't decided democratically.

    It doesn't need to be an ultimiatum of one color theme or the other.

    The site can support both (or more). Is a case of using "prefers-color-scheme"

    Was looking at this from Firefox browserside configuration overriding with userContent.css.

    I found that customizing "" locally is quite easy because of great use of css names.

    I could simply inverse the color scheme "ff" minus original value (or 255 - original value in rgb).

    Note: Need to use "!import" flag to force apply to the site.

    @-moz-document domain( {

    :root {

    --iscbluelightest:#0c0405 !important;

    --iscbluelight:#91331f !important;

    --iscblue:#ccc96a !important;

    --iscbluedark:#c6bbb1 !important;

    --iscbluedarker:#dddacc !important;

    --iscbluedarkest:#e5e3d8 !important;

    --iscgreen:#fe5f63 !important;

    --iscgreenlight:#401b1c !important;

    --iscturquoise:#482bc2 !important;

    --iscyellow:#034db6 !important;

    --iscyellowdark:#00197f !important;

    --iscred:#35ffff !important;

    --iscredlightest:#060d0b !important;

    --iscwhite:#000000 !important;

    --iscoffwhite:#040404 !important;

    --iscwhiteporcelain:#130f0e !important;

    --iscgraylightest:#100f0e !important;

    --iscgraylighter:#1f1f1f !important;

    --iscgraylight:#343434 !important;

    --iscgray:#a1939e !important;

    --iscgraydark:#a19688 !important;

    --iscgraydarker:#bcb7b2 !important;

    --iscgraydarkest:#cccccc !important;

    --textcolor:#fff !important;

    --linkcolor:var(--iscgraydarker) !important;


    div.caution {

    color:#ffffff !important;


    span.caution {

    color:#ffffff !important;



    On the community pages if would be nice if css names were also available to be easily overiden by local browser.

    Expect would be easier to provide a dark-theme in that case also.

    My experiment with "community" didn't get too far.

    @-moz-document domain( {

    .main-container {

    background-color:#100f0d !important;


    .sidebar-greybox {

    border-left-color:#ffffff !important;

    border-right-color:#ffffff !important;

    border-top-color:#ffffff !important;

    color:#ffffff !important;


    .periods a {

    color:#cccccc !important;


    .block-filter-menu {


    color:#ffffff !important;


    .intersys_menu {

    color:#ffffff !important;

    background-color:#000000 !important;



  • Admin
    Vadim Aniskin
    Mar 13, 2023

    @Guillaume Thank you for your idea.

    We got several comments on this idea here and in the Community Portal discussion.

    We discussed this idea with developers to estimate the resources needed.

    We got 3 votes supporting this idea, and based on poll results 56% of users answered that they'll not use the Dark version.

    Based on this input we move this idea to the status "Future consideration". We'll discuss the Dark version again during Community portal development planning.

  • Luis Angel Pérez Ramos
    Mar 6, 2023

    Blue letters in dark background...maybe it's a bit painfull, and the InterSystems logo doesn't fit either. Maybe with an entire redesign of styles, not just the back.

  • Lorenzo Scalese
    Feb 28, 2023

    It would be perfect with a switch like

    1 reply
  • Scott Roth
    Feb 24, 2023

    Not just community, but across all sites as well (Learning, Global Masters, Documentation (if possible)),