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InterSystems Ideas
We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community.
* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

👋 Welcome to our ideas portal

We are interested in collecting, analyzing, and responding to product enhancement requests from the InterSystems community.

InterSystems Ideas is the official feedback portal for you to submit product enhancement requests and ideas related to our resources for developers (Documentation, Dev Community, Global Masters, etc.), see what others have submitted, vote on your favorite ones, and get feedback from InterSystems.

All ideas are sent to the Product Management Department for review. Only ideas submitted in English will be processed.

Share your ideas with the community, and contribute by voting and commenting on other ideas – the more votes the more influence!

InterSystems Ideas Portal Overview video

🔝Idea promotion rules

When your idea gets 20 votes, it is reviewed and promoted on a priority basis.

💡 Idea status guide

Our team regularly updates the status of each idea to keep you informed about the progress of the idea.

[No status] All ideas are moderated before being published to avoid spam, advertising, and ideas not related to InterSystems.

The new idea needs to be reviewed.

The idea has been reviewed and is being stored here until it is promoted.

The idea duplicates one that has already been entered into the system or the functionality that is being requested is available in InterSystems products or in Open Exchange.

The idea will not be promoted and will not be implemented.

The idea has been promoted.

The idea was promoted and implemented by InterSystems.

The idea has been reviewed and can be implemented by Developer Community members.

Developer Community members plan to implement the idea.

Developer Community member(s) implemented this idea after the idea submission.

Temporary status for ideas eligible for the "Idea-A-Thon" Contest. Used during the contest and for a short period after it.

Portal admins asked to clarify the idea in the comments, but the author of the idea did not answer.

Lifecycle of the Ideas video

🎉 How to categorize existing ideas and add new ones

Categorizing your ideas is easy 🎆

How to create a new idea on InterSystems Ideas 🎆