IRIS for health version 2023 sets Database Cache (Global Buffers) to 25% of physical memory by default, which is not secure and can be quite large if a server group uses shared memory. At the same time, this setting is very important, if a more appropriate default memory setting is not made, the product performance cannot be guaranteed, and I am not very good to explain to the user why the memory consumption is so large when the user is not active, it affects the communication cost of product delivery to the site and increases the required hardware resources.
Thank you for submitting the idea. Based on information from our experts the status of your idea was changed to "Will not implement". Please look for details in the comments on the idea. Good luck!
There is a comment on this idea from an InterSystems employee.
The idea was transferred to “Will not implement” since the author did not respond to the comment for several months.
If the author responds to the comment, the status of this idea may be changed.
王喆 👀, you have a comment on your idea. Please answer it to help your idea to be promoted.
What do you think is a more appropriate default setting for the various memory caches?