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InterSystems Ideas
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* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.
Status Needs review
Categories InterSystems IRIS
Created by Stefan Cronje
Created on Nov 30, 2023

Refresh Button on the small messge browse in the Production panel

On the Production screen. After selecting a business host, the panel on the righthand side of the screeen contains tabs for "Log" and "Messages", and so forth.

On the Log tab, there is a refresh button.

The message tab does not have a refresh button, so you have to select a different business host, then the one you were looking at to get an updated message list.

Will it be possible to put a refresh button on the messages tab?

    Nov 30, 2023

    Thank you for submitting the idea. The status has been changed to "Needs review".

    Stay tuned!