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InterSystems Ideas
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* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

InterSystems Resources for Developers

Showing 96

Career-oriented learning paths

There is no second opinion InterSystems is having a great community and a learning portal. Out of the learning paths available in the below link, I think we should have career-oriented paths. Please share your inputs https://learning.intersystems....
Aasir Waseer over 2 years ago in Learning 1 Implemented

Drivers and auxiliar tools accessible from Community

Many developers find out that they can't get drivers like jdbc or odbc without an account in wrc. If the Developers Community is promoting InterSystems technology is necessary to make accessible these tools from the Community portal.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos over 1 year ago in Community 1 Already exists

New rewards

It would be nice to add new rewards ;) on Global Masters. For example cover for laptop camera playing cards pens wireless chargers powerbanks coasters etc
Irène Mykhailova over 2 years ago in Global Masters 2 Implemented

Prioritize search matches by title in documentation

The documentation searches are not prioritizing the matches by the title among all the matches when these matches are usually the best answer.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 9 months ago in Documentation 1 Implemented

Create a WhatsApp Community

I think it would be grat be able to have a community on WhatsApp just as we already have a Telegram or Dischords channels, since WhatsApp is a more widely used application, more users could benefit from the latest news and participate in dedicated...
Daniel Aguilar over 1 year ago in Community 1 Future consideration

cheat sheets

A recent post on the community gave me this idea. Couldn't we have a dedicated space or application to write cheat sheets? This could make it easy to have a cheat sheet possibly with sniplets. For my part, I am thinking of creating a web app in th...
Pierre LaFay about 1 year ago in Documentation 0 Community Opportunity

Add Job location on for jobs opportunity section on DC In posts in Job opportunity, not always is clear, where it's located. It would be good to see, is it offline or remote work, and the location where if it's offline, or timezone for remote work
Dmitry Maslennikov about 2 years ago in Community 1 Implemented

Ideas contributor of the year

Currently we already have an annual definition with awards in the form of badges and points for developer of the year (OEX) and writer of the year (community). My idea is to establish the current definition of ideas contributor of the year, with t...
Yuri Marx over 1 year ago in Ideas Portal 2 Implemented

Bonus Points for Implementors

I just hope- for the sake of fairness - that not only the one placing an idea gets Bonus Points in GMbut also the one that did the practical work as:- implementation,- testing,- describing,- documentation,- publishing gets some points as well.This...
Robert Cemper almost 2 years ago in Global Masters 2 Planned or In Progress

Articles and answered questions recommendations

Articles and answered questions unread recommendations based on my "thumbs up" (Likes) and bookmarks
Henry Pereira over 2 years ago in Community 1 Will not implement