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InterSystems IRIS

Showing 49

Add a calculated property like TimeElapsed for Interoperability messages

Should be usefull to hava a calculated property like TimeElapsed at Ens.MessageHeader for Interoperability messages It will show how many seconds (ssss.mmm) this step takes It's possible to have it by sqL, but it's usefull to have in SMP, Visual T...
Luis Petkovicz 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Adding Process Start Date and Time

As part of various type of monitoring. It is good to have process start date and time in process details in SMP and in the system process table.
Sundara Moorthy Jeganathan 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Add browser based terminal to Management Portal

Would be helpful for deployed servers in AWS/GCloud/etc. to be able to just access the terminal in management portal.
Robert Hanna 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration

Add GloRef and Executed lines in UnitTest portal.

Hello, It could be interesting to know the number of GloRef and executed lines in the UnitTest portal. Currently, the portal shows the duration it's good, but it could be better to add gloref and lines. I guess, I can log this myself using OnBefor...
Lorenzo Scalese 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Create List and Array Data Types that uses a PPG and not memory

When working with large arrays or lists, like with a Complex Record Map, and you get files with 200 000 lines, it uses a lot of Per Process Memory. Sometimes the process might even run out of memory if the file is too large. Can ArrayOfX and ListO...
Stefan Cronje 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Add JS (JSON) date format to formats used in $ZDATE & $ZDATEH

In Javascript the date format is as follows: 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z It is hardly different from the ODBC format, but still requires a transformation during exchanges between the frontend and the backEnd. JSON does not define a format for dates b...
Pierre LaFay 11 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Refactoring in VsCode

In VsCode (As in old Studio) there is juste one refactoring possibility : extract in method. I think that refactoring functions are important in producing clean code, because refactoring without dedicated function is too long, so not done.
Pierre LaFay 12 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Future consideration

Refresh Button on the small messge browse in the Production panel

On the Production screen. After selecting a business host, the panel on the righthand side of the screeen contains tabs for "Log" and "Messages", and so forth. On the Log tab, there is a refresh button. The message tab does not have a refresh butt...
Stefan Cronje about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

SQL Return ID

Add functionality to SQL to use RETURN on insert statements. To return the value of whichever field is specified after the insert. Can be useful when using SQL to insert records and you need the ID immediately without having to select it.
Stefan Cronje about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration

IPM store on Management Portal

From a new screen in the IRIS Management Portal, list all IPM projects and allows to install them from it
Yuri Marx about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration