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InterSystems IRIS

Showing 227

Remember Preferred language selection for Management Portal "forever"

Everytime that the session of the Management Portal is closed the preferred language selected is lost, forcing to the user to change it the next time that log in. Using cookies would fix this problem, keeping the language selection at any time.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration

Pull in all classes and tables called in a resource at export.

I would like to see any utilized class, table, global variable, etc. that is utilized within a production component pulled into the export list when I export from that component. Right now, tables, XML message schemas, message classes, and others ...
Victoria Castillo 7 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Community Opportunity

Add browser based terminal to Management Portal

Would be helpful for deployed servers in AWS/GCloud/etc. to be able to just access the terminal in management portal.
Robert Hanna 11 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration

Simplify classnames calls in ObjectScript

Currently everyone use ##class(classname).methodname() to call it. e.g. do ##class(Sample).ClassMethod() This is one of the painful moments about ObjectScript for developers. Can we introduce a parallel support of more simplified way, as: #classna...
Evgeny Shvarov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Automated Schema Comparison and Synchronization

Problem : if we are maintaining the two separate instances for load balancer. we can't able to maintain the schema comparison and synchronization. it is possible by using git redeploy. but we need to redeploy the code. Proposal : instead we need t...
Veerarajan Karunanithi 6 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Community Opportunity

Implement or incorporate a mocking framework to complement %UnitTest class

Interoperability components often have dependencies such as external connections or callouts to external packages/libraries. In order to create UnitTests, we need to mock those components with something like Mockito so we aren't required to write ...
Chi Nguyen-Rettig 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Planned or In Progress

Move users, roles, resources, user tasks, Mappings (etc) to a seperate Database, other than %SYS, so these items can be mirrored

There's nothing worse than failing over to find that many of your users are expired or don't exist or that your tasks do not exist. While mirroring is tried and true, the non-mirrorable items, as previously listed, are needed for true redundancy.
Sean O'Connor about 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Planned or In Progress

SharePoint File Service and Operation

Like File en FTP service + operation SharePoint has become a very common file storage location. Yes, we can make our own REST implementation but I feel this feature should be an IRIS standard feature.
Ties Voskamp about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

Configuration Merge: Configure NLS Settings

To me NLS settings sounds a perfect Configuration Merge candidate. Currently we're running: do ##class(Config.NLS.Locales).Install("finw")set ^SYS("NLS", "Config", "Collation")="Finnish3" with iris terminal.
Jani Hurskainen about 1 month ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Linkage between BP and calls to using Translation (DTL's)

Understandably I understand that DTL's live as a different class file then the BP. When developing a BP, and using a "Translation" action it would be helpful is the DTL could pull in the references to the context variables being used in the BP. Fo...
Scott Roth about 1 month ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Needs review