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InterSystems Ideas
We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community.
* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 32

Ranking - top 10 - Open Exchange

Create a new section on Open Exchange with top 10 for developers with more apps published and more apps downloaded
Yuri Marx about 1 year ago in Open Exchange 1 Already exists

Cache Journal Switch Schedule

Add the facility for journals to not only be switched on size but also on a schedule either every hour or half hour. This will allow the system to be restore and the journals replayed upto a fixed time, rather than taking incremental/differential ...
Gary Holt over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Already exists

Native RPC API for ObjectScript

We have a full featured API for access globals via ECP, but still have no "standard" way to do RPC. In Cache it was possible with %Net.RemoteConnection.cls. Having been removed from IRIS, this class is still not substituted with some clear API. By...
Alexey Maslov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Already exists

Class Documentation - Add Comments

Add an option to include tags for comments in a Class Definition, that will show up in the generated Class Documentation. E.g. <DESCRIPTION>, <AUTHOR>
Paul Hurley over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Already exists

Share your recap 2023 on linkedin

Add sharing your recap 2023 on LinkedIn or other social networks
Yuri Marx about 1 year ago in Community 4 Already exists

DB Driver for Django

For use with IRIS SQL or IRIS, a database driver for Django can open some system-building opportunities. If IRIS SQL is used as a service and the developer is skilled in the Django framework.
Stefan Cronje over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Already exists

Add MarkDown input possibility

Hello, A lot of people use the MarkDown language to write articles or nice technical documentations, I would find it nice to add the possibility to add a file written in MarkDown language (.md) in order to make the presentation of the text pretty ...
Niels Genne over 1 year ago in Community 1 Already exists

My DC Library

Today is possible bookmark articles, but is not exists a hyperlink or menu to access my list of bookmarked articles. My idea is to create a menu item My library, to access bookmarked articles
Yuri Marx over 1 year ago in Community 1 Already exists

Schedule the article publication on DC site

Today we can write an article on DC and save as draft, but is not possible schedule the release date of the article, so I have to enter on the article on the day of the publication and do it. I suggest put a new field to schedule the release date ...
Yuri Marx about 2 years ago in Community 1 Already exists

Add a "watch list" to WRC tickets (problems, issues)

When I open a WRC about an issue I have, problem etc. all following communications are done to my email (as it apears in WRC). Since we have multiple people that develop on Intersystems technologies (all those people do exist in "contacts" and all...
Yaron Munz about 2 years ago in Other 1 Already exists