We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community. * Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.
The Studio has a tab where you can add code snippets on your local machine (with a very small amount of code snippets already present). It would be nice to build a library of code snippets on the community site to perform a variety of tasks like u...
Danny Wijnschenk
over 2 years ago
in InterSystems IRIS
Community Opportunity
In order to help the dissemination of InterSystems technologies, create, alongside documentation, supports in the vein of "... for dummies ". Examples : Health Data Orchestration for dummies Analytics for dummies Machine Learning for dummies Busin...
Promote an IRIS Architectural Solutions Contest with prizes, similar to article contest, but for design of solutions using IRIS. The participants must deliver: Solution Diagram Problem Description Business Context Description Solution Description ...
Yuri Marx
about 2 months ago
in Community
Needs review
Create a vscode extension to use the Intersystems IRIS Load Data utilities into VSCode.
Users can select a file from VSCode and click export, VSCode allows to the user select the persistent class, the fields, encoding and other options allowed an...
Yuri Marx
about 2 months ago
in InterSystems IRIS
Community Opportunity
We utilise the Export feature to export classes from a production ready for a deployment. We already have a list of classes to deploy from our source control history. It would be handy if we could list out the classes/production items/ LUTs etc., ...
A fairly recent change was introduced where selecting a DTL from within the Rule Editor presented the user with a button to open the Data Transformation Builder Editor (DTL Editor) which took the user straight to the DTL. However, if you open a DT...
Allow for Markdown to be used in class documentation for easier formatting. This includes the Class Reference Page that should support it, as well as the documentation preview in VS Code.
This is a very recurrent complain from our customers, it's very common that they lose all the design implemented for a DTL/BPL after an automatic web page refresh or a session close. That would be great to have an automatic save where you can get ...
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos
over 1 year ago
in InterSystems Products
Planned or In Progress
Option for Assign append to escape automatically in DTL editor
Sometimes it seems in DTLs the asign operators are poor at escaping hl7. i.e. one comment we had was < comment > <![CDATA[ * T & B subsets reflexed due to abnormal proportions of ]]> </ comment > calling assign like the below...