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InterSystems Ideas
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* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 464

Audience missing from OAUth 2.0 config

audience is often required form recorded body SettSC=tHttpRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type","application/json")SettSC=tHttpRequest.SetHeader("audience","") DotHttpRequest.InsertFormData("client_secret",cr....
Mark OReilly 7 months ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 Needs review

Errors messages to be more clear

I find it a bit hard to understand the error, maybe error messages can be clear or trying to detect misspelling and create a more understanding of error message.
Evans Tlhako 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Will not implement

Private Variables

Provide variables that don't appear in the regular symbol table. Example: Start a server process and provide a Private Key. As long as the process runs, its value is held in memory. We don't want anyone to snoop around the Management Portal or an ...
Herman Slagman 12 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 6 Future consideration

New reward: IRIS developer license

Exchange 40,000 points per IRIS developer license core (the one that doesn't allow you to go to production, but allows you to use it in a development environment)
Yuri Marx over 2 years ago in Global Masters 1 Future consideration

Set password through environment variable

In a continious integration processes, for some applications, for testing purposes, it's useful to run vanilla IRIS and run integration tests, for Python applications for instance And the best way to do it, is to use services feature in popular CI...
Dmitry Maslennikov about 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration

Managed alerts resend message button

From Managed alerts often the solution is "resend the message" as is a temporary fault. A button to clear the alert by resending the original message at fault would be useful as at the moment need to look at trace, get the object id, go to message...
Mark OReilly 5 months ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 Needs review

Add a tool to Import routine to an InterSystems IRIS Server

Currently there is no way to import a routine (MAC, INT, INC) from file to a given IRIS Server. At least I haven't found a handy one. Management portal allows to import classes but not routines from disc to IRIS. It'd be great to add a UI package ...
Evgeny Shvarov 3 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Already exists

Career-oriented learning paths

There is no second opinion InterSystems is having a great community and a learning portal. Out of the learning paths available in the below link, I think we should have career-oriented paths. Please share your inputs https://learning.intersystems....
Aasir Waseer over 2 years ago in Learning 1 Implemented

Power Platform Connector for InterSystems IRIS

Develop InterSystems IRIS connector that allows connection to the IRIS data platform from Power Apps / Power Automate
Vadim Aniskin over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

Envrionment variable support in System Default Settings

Docker commonly passes settings via environment variables. It could be useful if when resolving settings for production configuration this could also evaluate environment variables instead of deployed static values. Thus the container drives the b...
Alex Woodhead almost 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration