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InterSystems Ideas
We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community.
* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 463

Jupyter Notebook

with the addition of embedded Python, offer a Jupyter Notebook integration that can interact with the IRIS DB, rules engine, etc.
Guest over 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Done by Community

Implement support to Fivetran, data movement platform Fivetran is the automated data movement platform moving data out of, into and across your cloud data platforms. Enterprise or free version available, including cloud, AWS GovCloud or self-hosted
Dmitry Maslennikov over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

Unit testing in VSCode

A unit testing user interface in VSCODE, similar to what is available for Java or .NET (JUnit, xUnit,…), for use in initial or test driven development.
Robert Barbiaux almost 2 years ago in InterSystems Products 3 Done by Community

Global->JSON->Global converter

Introduce a package which can:export arbitrary Global (or part of global) into file.jsonimport file.json into Global expose global in JSON into device and vice versa
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Done by Community

Date format in LOAD DATA to indicate a date/datetime format other than 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'

Provide an option in LOAD DATA to indicate a date/datetime format other than 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' i.e : LOAD DATA .../...USING{ "from": { "file": { "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY" } }}
Sylvain Guilbaud about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Implemented

Add like to quizes

I think it would be interesting to add "Like" feature to quizzes for members to show appreciation of the question. And when the quiz disappears send an automatic message to the creator of the question how many users liked their quiz question and h...
Iryna Mykhailova over 1 year ago in Global Masters 0 Future consideration

Tool to convert legacy dot syntax code to use bracket syntax

I'm sure that I am not alone in maintain a mass of legacy code, some of which uses the dot syntax for blocks of code. Wouldn't it be great to have a tool to convert this to guaranteed equivalent code using the bracket {} syntax?
John Cassidy over 2 years ago in Other 0 Community Opportunity

secrets management

A secrets management facility that is much like aws parameter store, k8s secrets, etc... where files, strings, etc can be stored and accessed throughout the product. gpg keyscertsaws credsgcp keysstrings Very similar to "Credentials" in EnsLib but...
Ron Sweeney almost 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Done by Community

PDF reports for IRIS BI

Would be great to have a feature in IRIS BI (DeepSee Web) to organize widgets on a list or several, and then print this view in a PDF file.Like Google Data studio for example
Elena E over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS BI 1 Community Opportunity

Add basic tutorial of Docker or point to a Docker tutorial in Documentation

I do not know about others, but Docker and the intro of Docker was not a forte of mine coming into trying out new components of InterSystems IRIS. We are moving to IRIS and with that we want to incorporate into our upgrade. I have been struggling ...
Scott Roth over 2 years ago in Documentation 6 Already exists