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InterSystems Ideas
We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community.
* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 463

CI/CD support

Several developer and partner organisations are embracing a continuous integration/continuous delivery practices of software development. There have been several examples in how to achieve this with IRIS, and at some point this requires scripts o...
Steve Pisani over 2 years ago in InterSystems Products 5 Will not implement

Add new field in the Community Articles to link them with the official documentation

It would be really usefull to join the articles of the community with the official documentation, you would be able to see real examples directly from the official documentation.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos over 1 year ago in Community 1 Future consideration

Visual programming language

Wouldn't it be so nice to have a graphical programming language for all Intersystems' tools? Specially designed for people who think visually or are from bussiness areas or are being attracted from languages such as Scratch?
Yone Moreno over 2 years ago in InterSystems Products 2 Will not implement

Interoperability Wizard

Should be possible to build a basic production or process based on simple options. For instance if I just want to import a CSV file and populate a generated class then all I need to supply is a name and a file source.
David Underhill over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Will not implement

Identify redundant indices

Over time, application developer define indices to improve their query performance. Over time, it's possible that some query definition may not be used and therefore (a) consume processing time during filing and (b) consume diskspace, journal sp...
Steve Pisani over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 4 Already exists

Embedded Python: Add a built-in variable to represent class

Currently coding an embedded python method in ObjectScript class when I want to call a classmethod of the same class I need to use the construction: iris.cls(__name__).ClassMethod() Would it be possible to add a built-in variable, e.g. cself, that...
Evgeny Shvarov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Connectivity of DeepSee with External Database

Connectivity of DeepSee with external database. Also provision to build subject areas from external database and linking with TrakCare database.
Vinay Purohit over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS BI 2 Future consideration

Dark Mode for Studio!

I know there are ways to customize colors in Options, but I seem to not be able to dial it in right. Other IDEs Ive used have a native nice looking dark mode so Id like to see that implemented.
Shaun Norum over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 7 Will not implement

Group events for people outside the community

It would be nice to make events such as hackathons for people from outside the community to join, and also for people from inside the community to get to know each other.
Heloisa Paiva over 2 years ago in Community 2 Already exists

Credly badge for VIP into GM

Credly badge for VIP into GM
Yuri Marx over 1 year ago in Global Masters 1 Implemented