The extension has a load of features that will save interface developers using HL7v2 time, allowing them to power down their devices just that little bit sooner at the end of their day and saving much electricity!
For example:
Skip The Message Search - Session Numbers In MSH Segments
When problem solving with HL7 messages in IRIS it would save time if you could quickly navigate from the message in the third party system to the message trace in IRIS.
By adding the session ID of the message trace to the MSH segment you can utilise the Open Session feature in the HL7v2 browser extension to quickly navigate to the Visual Trace of the message, which as you probably know includes all of the message pre and post transform - ideal for problem solving.
In its current iteration your active tab needs to be in the namespace that your session ID relates to, but you could easily add a namespace ID as a prefix to the session ID in the MSH segment and update the extension to find the correct namespace automatically.
You can further utilise the message compare features and Full Trace tab of the extension (whereby you can see the message content of all messages currently visible in the Visual Trace SVG) to speed up your issue resolution.
Thank you for posting the idea. According to information from experts, this functionality already exists.
@Rob Thank you for your idea. Here is the link to the solution:
As we understood, this solution was developed and posted on the OEX before the idea was created. Thus the status of the idea was changed to "Already exists".
Thank you again for your ideas and participation in the Idea-A-Thon contest.