This idea proposes to add support for AI-powered test automation to the InterSystems IRIS testing framework. This would allow developers to create tests that are more efficient and effective, and that can be used to test a wider range of scenarios.
It suggests IRIS systems get customer feedback on safe/ tested solutions in a faster lifecycle rather than doing it on one's own cycle, that's why the idea fits the topic of the 2nd Idea-A-Thon "Run solutions fast, safe, and green with InterSystems IRIS"
Thank you for submitting the idea. The status has been changed to "Community Opportunity".
Stay tuned!
Hi Dinesh!
Thank you for the explanation you provided in a private DC message:
It suggests IRIS systems get customer feedback on safe/ tested solutions in a faster lifecycle rather than doing it on one's own cycle, that's why the idea fits the topic of the 2nd Idea-A-Thon "Run solutions fast, safe, and green with InterSystems IRIS"
I added it to all your 4 ideas and they all are qualified for the Idea-A-Thon contest now.
Hi Dinesh!
Thank you for posting your ideas on the InterSystems Ideas portal.
If you submitted this idea and the other 3 ideas you posted today for the 2nd Idea-A-Thon contest, please explain why these ideas fit the contest topic "Run solutions fast, safe, and green with InterSystems IRIS"?
If your today's ideas are not for the contest, sorry to bother you, and thanks again for your ideas.