Currently, if you edit code client-side in VSCode the local copy of any routines/classes remain static.
If someone else makes a change, via Studio or another VSCode session etc..., then that change doesn't update my local client copy or flag that a change has been made.
At present you have to manually re-export everything in the Explorer view, but there is no indicator it is needed and no granular control.
I am aware that there could be conflicts with code you are editing and I wouldn't expect git-like merge handling or version control, the user would have to decide themselves.
At least, if I reopen a VSCode workspace it could automatically check for updates?
Thank you for submitting the idea. Based on information from our experts the status of your idea was changed to "Will not implement". Please look for details in the comments on the idea. Good luck!
Client-side VS Code ObjectScript development is really for scenarios where no one else is making changes to the server's copy of the code. If they are then you probably want to look at a server-side workflow. We do not plan on implementing any blending of client and server side modes.