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InterSystems Products

Showing 334 of 438

add support for SQL Host Variables

a simulation of host variables is actually only Available with Embedded SQL know the famous (and horrible to me) :varnam syntax.I propose to take some workaround to allow similar functionality as in other SQL dialects.For good reasons the...
Robert Cemper 18 days ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

Conversion of Python Datatype to IRIS native values

We can easily create Python native data types from IRIS for example, by using ##class(%SYS.Python).Builtins().dict() or convert IRIS native complex datatypes to python datatypes ex: listbuild to python list ##class(%SYS.Python).ToList(). However, ...
Ashok Kumar 11 days ago in InterSystems Products 0 Future consideration

Add EncounterNumber Index to HSAA.Encounter

Adding an index on EncounterNumber in HSAA.Encounter will significantly enhance query performance by reducing full table scans, optimizing joins, and accelerating data retrieval for reporting and analytics. Many reports and queries rely on filteri...
Stella Ticker 12 days ago in InterSystems HealthShare 0 Needs review

Add polling for changes to the VSCode extension(s)

Currently, if you edit code client-side in VSCode the local copy of any routines/classes remain static.If someone else makes a change, via Studio or another VSCode session etc..., then that change doesn't update my local client copy or flag that a...
David Underhill 9 days ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Will not implement

Light version InterSystems IRIS

Develop a light version for InterSystems IRIS. It is a fact that IRIS, today, includes several improvements and new functionalities, however, like "all" software evolution, it also requires heavier hardware resources. Not all applications need all...
Andre Larsen Barbosa over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Planned or In Progress

It seems like there needs to be a search option in streams in production messages

Aleksandr Kolesov 10 days ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Needs review

Publish the InterSystems IRIS Native SDK for Node.js on npm

People building Node.js apps commonly use npm as the place they get packages they depend on. Not being able to get the files needed for InterSystems IRIS Native API for Node.js from there adds friction which probably results in some lost opportuni...
John Murray about 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Planned or In Progress

Include an option in HealthShare (UCR) to support natively a vectorized database of patients' clinical data, enabling retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for communication with market-available large language models (LLMs).

This feature would provide substantial added value to the product, particularly in the AI-driven era. Additionally, the vector search capability will support a wide variety of other use cases.
Claudio Devecchi 4 months ago in InterSystems HealthShare 0 Community Opportunity

IRIS for Health Blockchain connector

To develop a Connector enabling the seamless export of health data from Intersystems IRIS for Health to a blockchain repository, empowering patients with control over their own health data. This solution ensures data integrity, transparency, and s...
Johni Fisher 3 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Community Opportunity

Native JSON Datatype exclusively for JSON

Create a built-in native JSON datatype like "%Library.String" and implement the SQL JSON_ functions natively. Store, retrieve, search, validate by schema and update the before save and save JSON values instead of store into %String - we can't stor...
Ashok Kumar about 1 month ago in InterSystems Products 0 Future consideration