We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community. * Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.
A recent post on the community gave me this idea. Couldn't we have a dedicated space or application to write cheat sheets? This could make it easy to have a cheat sheet possibly with sniplets. For my part, I am thinking of creating a web app in th...
Pierre LaFay
about 1 year ago
in Documentation
Community Opportunity
Add Job location on for jobs opportunity section on DC
https://community.intersystems.com/tags/job-opportunity In posts in Job opportunity, not always is clear, where it's located. It would be good to see, is it offline or remote work, and the location where if it's offline, or timezone for remote work
Dmitry Maslennikov
about 2 years ago
in Community
Currently we already have an annual definition with awards in the form of badges and points for developer of the year (OEX) and writer of the year (community). My idea is to establish the current definition of ideas contributor of the year, with t...
Yuri Marx
over 1 year ago
in Ideas Portal
I just hope- for the sake of fairness - that not only the one placing an idea gets Bonus Points in GMbut also the one that did the practical work as:- implementation,- testing,- describing,- documentation,- publishing gets some points as well.This...
Robert Cemper
almost 2 years ago
in Global Masters
Planned or In Progress
I think it would be interesting to add "Like" feature to quizzes for members to show appreciation of the question. And when the quiz disappears send an automatic message to the creator of the question how many users liked their quiz question and h...
Iryna Mykhailova
over 1 year ago
in Global Masters
Future consideration
Add basic tutorial of Docker or point to a Docker tutorial in Documentation
I do not know about others, but Docker and the intro of Docker was not a forte of mine coming into trying out new components of InterSystems IRIS. We are moving to IRIS and with that we want to incorporate into our upgrade. I have been struggling ...
Scott Roth
over 2 years ago
in Documentation
Already exists
I would like to see this forum continue in the Long Term, as a mechanism to directly feedback on Dev Tools/functions/features. Allow the community to vote on new features in the long-term etc. Have a 6-monthly online meet to discuss ideas. Like a ...
Paul Hurley
over 2 years ago
in Ideas Portal