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InterSystems Ideas
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All ideas

Showing 94

Access Saved MessageViewer Searches across namespaces

While the ability to save a MessageViewer Search in one namespace is helpful, it would be even better if we could access these saved searches to different namespaces. Right now the only way to do that is to open the Saved search in the namespace w...
Stella Ticker 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 Future consideration

Create a WhatsApp Community

I think it would be grat be able to have a community on WhatsApp just as we already have a Telegram or Dischords channels, since WhatsApp is a more widely used application, more users could benefit from the latest news and participate in dedicated...
Daniel Aguilar over 1 year ago in Community 1 Future consideration

Add Source control for all the IRIS interoperability components

Currently there is no source control available for different components of the Interoperability production. There is a tool git-source-control that helps with some components, e.g. production itself , but business rules editor doesn't have such a ...
Evgeny Shvarov about 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Bare minimum start of IRIS for docker build

During docker build, it's useless to start full functional IRIS, it would be enough to start just bare minimally, do not start the internal web server, ECP, and so on. Just only staff enough to build a code and make some changes in settings.
Dmitry Maslennikov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

CSV Wizard - Record Mapper

Using the CSV Wizard within the Record Mapper, it requires you to predetermine the Record Map Name. It would be nice to be able to select the package that it needs to be saved under, and then specify the name.
Scott Roth 7 months ago in InterSystems Products 0 Future consideration

Configuration Merge: Configure NLS Settings

To me NLS settings sounds a perfect Configuration Merge candidate. Currently we're running: do ##class(Config.NLS.Locales).Install("finw")set ^SYS("NLS", "Config", "Collation")="Finnish3" with iris terminal.
Jani Hurskainen 4 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Make interoperability's visual trace to easy to check, when process was running parallel.

I want to make interoperability's visual trace to easy to check, when process was running parallel. As an example, consider calling bp01 with a Pool Size of 3 from bp00 for 3 processes at the same time. The bp01 column shows three processes jumble...
Yuji Ohata over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Future consideration

Optional "Green Mode" Configuration Setting for IRIS

Much like how cars often have a "Eco" driving mode, create an optional mode for using IRIS in a greener manner. If a user of IRIS wants to prioritize reducing their carbon footprint over performance, they should be able to do so. It's possible ...
Nelson Tarr over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Easier Navigation in Management Portal: Shortcuts, Recent Pages, Search bar

It takes quite a few steps to go to where you need to go in the Management Portal. If the site has UCR installed, then that number skyrockets. I have looked into if there's a way to easily create a more easily navigable set of links in the managem...
Chi Nguyen-Rettig 12 months ago in InterSystems Products 0 Future consideration

use Python Class Definition Syntax to create IRIS classes

Now that IRIS support Python, UDL syntax should not be the only way with SQL DDL to define/create classes in IRIS.
Sylvain Guilbaud over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration