Describing the tables in the docs, two main points make it difficult to see to which row a sentence belongs:
The colors that distinguish each line have low contrast (#FFFFFF and #F8F9F9);
The texts are centralized in the y-axis (and thus, rows don't necessarily begin in the same line).
This could be solved by changing the color of the odd rows to one with a higher contrast with #FFF, adding a line between rows, or aligning the text to the top of the cell.
The attached pictures illustrate the problem, and some suggestions to make the content more comfortable to read. From right to the left, is the original table from the documentation and the examples:
Change the color of the odd rows to #EFF0F1 (the same color as the navigation menu on the left, so it's still in the palette);
Add border-top: solid 1px #D4D4D4 to the odd rows. This is precisely the same vertical border used to separate columns;
Add vertical-align: top; to the tbody element.
Thank you for submitting the idea.
This idea was implemented by InterSystems.
This was logged quite awhile ago. We implemented new style sheets in May of 2024, so perhaps it is fixed? We were trying to find these tables in the documentation, so we could determine if they are differnt now, but could not easily find them. If this is not fixed, can you kindly provide the links to the tables?