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InterSystems Ideas
We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community.
* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 467 of 467

Filter by duration

Add the possibility to filter the courses by duration in the catalog
Iryna Mykhailova 1 day ago in Learning 0 Needs review

Add Model Context Protocol (MCP) support for IRIS

Adding Model Context Protocol (MCP) support to your data platform enhances integration capabilities, real-time data access, and scalability while reducing development time and improving security. This investment ensures your platform remains futur...
Steven Potashnyk about 22 hours ago in Generative AI 0 Needs review

Donate GM points for OEX Applications

Create a button on OEX application page to donate GM points for the OEX developer. It is a buy me a cofee, but using GM points
Yuri Marx 1 day ago in Open Exchange 0 Future consideration

Start making accessibility improvements to the Developer Community

The Community is not accessible to users who operate the site with a keyboard or assistive technology. A quick scan using the WAVE tool confirms there are many errors. Improvements would have a positive impact on all users. Example of a navigation...
Kristina Lauer 15 days ago in Community 0 Needs review

Add pool size in production configuration page

Pool size used to be displayed in Production Configuration page in Management Portal in old version of Ensemble, unfortunately this (IMHO very important) information is now missing. To get the pool size you need to click in each and every host in ...
Enrico Parisi 4 days ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Needs review

Improving Search Results Display

Make the search results more compact and informative. For example, add icons to show the type of content (articles, questions, announcements, etc.). Right now, all articles are searched only under the "POST" section, no matter which part of the fo...
Andrew Leniuk 8 days ago in Community 0 Needs review

Personalized search

Personalization Save search history for each user. Suggest similar queries or recommendations based on past searches. Improve pagination in the search results. For example, add infinite scrolling or a "Load More" button. Show the total number of r...
Andrew Leniuk 8 days ago in Community 0 Needs review

Add interface binding to FTP adapters

Current implementation of FTP adapters (EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter, EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter) lack a property to force binding with a specific TCP interface, similar to EnsLib.TCP.Common.LocalInterface. Being able to select a specific interface s...
Robert Barbiaux 17 days ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Needs review

AI-Powered Recommendations

AI-Powered Recommendations : Use AI/ML to suggest relevant articles, posts, or solutions based on user queries and browsing history
din ba 28 days ago in Community 0 Needs review

DC Search by date range

Provide search content filtered by month/year.
Yuri Marx about 1 month ago in Community 0 Needs review