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InterSystems Ideas
We love hearing from our users. Tell us what you want to see next and upvote ideas from the community.
* Bugs and troubleshooting should as usual go through InterSystems support.

All ideas

Showing 464

Add basic tutorial of Docker or point to a Docker tutorial in Documentation

I do not know about others, but Docker and the intro of Docker was not a forte of mine coming into trying out new components of InterSystems IRIS. We are moving to IRIS and with that we want to incorporate into our upgrade. I have been struggling ...
Scott Roth over 2 years ago in Documentation 6 Already exists

InterSystems IRIS for Carbon tracking

Many companies search for carbon tracking software for calculating their carbon footprints. Such software can be made using InterSystems IRIS, but it could be better if there were specific pre-built tools such as in InterSystems IRIS for Health. I...
Heloisa Paiva over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 1 Done by Community

Include bar code/QR code recognition as a standard function

Zen reports, InterSystem Reports, and IRIS all have ways to generate bar codes and/or QR codes and put them on documents, but there is nothing to read them. Reading them relies on 3rd part packages and sometimes specialized hardware, depending on ...
David Hockenbroch over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Journal file analysis/visualization

Journal files can provide key insights into database write activity for a number of purposes, ranging from debugging and performance analysis to incident investigation and response. I even once used the history of sets/kills of ^oddDEF to recover ...
Timothy Leavitt over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Done by Community

Version History for Classes

Please add a Version History capability, like Mirth. Each class will have a Version History, with Date. Easily allow a class to be reverted to a specific version.
Paul Hurley over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Will not implement

RPMShare - Database solution for remote patient monitoring (RPM) datasets of high density vitals

Why Currently, patient home monitoring is a megatrend, promising to reduce readmission, and emergency visits and globally add years of health. Owing to US 21st Century act and Reimbursement Schedule from Medicare (up to 54 USD per month per patien...
Dmitry Alexeev over 2 years ago in InterSystems HealthShare 0 Community Opportunity

Data Analyzer

Intersystems software comes with schemas and tools that support the ingestion, storage and communication of various data formats like HL7, IHE and now FHIR. But we have had to rely on third party software or build our own solutions to do the analy...
Stella Ticker over 2 years ago in InterSystems Products 6 Needs review

Expose Global Masters Badges

A possibility to show to the world my achievements on Developer Communit.i.e. Add global masters badge to github profile
Henry Pereira over 2 years ago in Global Masters 2 Implemented

InterSystems Ideas - Long Term

I would like to see this forum continue in the Long Term, as a mechanism to directly feedback on Dev Tools/functions/features. Allow the community to vote on new features in the long-term etc. Have a 6-monthly online meet to discuss ideas. Like a ...
Paul Hurley over 2 years ago in Ideas Portal 2 Implemented

Export Search Results from Message Search

Currently when Exporting search results from the Message Search, it will export the entire message, but what about possibly exporting the search results in a nice tabular csv or excel format for those that do not know or understand how to interpre...
Scott Roth 10 months ago in InterSystems HealthShare 5 Done by Community