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InterSystems Ideas
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All ideas

Showing 466

Introduce AS2 Interoperability Adapter

There is a need for the file exchange implementation of AS2 protocol in a form of an Interoperability (integration) adapter With the upcoming release of Embedded python, it is possible to create an adapter with this python library: https://pypi.or...
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

On Developer Community put animated GIFs behind a play/pause button

For animated GIFs it would be neat if the DC software could use a technique such as this to automatically add a play/pause button: That Codepen sample plays such GIFs by default unless user's browser pref...
John Murray almost 2 years ago in Community 2 Implemented

Introduce the couchbase adapter

There is a need for Couchbase adapter for IRIS Interoperability.
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Will not implement

Refresh Button on the small messge browse in the Production panel

On the Production screen. After selecting a business host, the panel on the righthand side of the screeen contains tabs for "Log" and "Messages", and so forth. On the Log tab, there is a refresh button. The message tab does not have a refresh butt...
Stefan Cronje over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Done by Community

Class reference generator

Implement a new open-source based project for Class Reference. Which would not require IRIS for work, web only. It's 99% static, no reason in the database just a bunch of metadata. with correct search by any class members
Dmitry Maslennikov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Done by Community

Object Browser

Browse and edit data Objects similar to how we can edit Globals
David Underhill over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

Featured Article or Question

Create a section like "Featured app" to a weekly article (featured article or question choosen by a moderator, not only a new article but any article or question existent.
Yuri Marx almost 2 years ago in Community 4 Implemented

Tutorial about custom login with class extending %CSP.Login

The documentation about custom login is confusing, so a Tutorial about custom login with class extending %CSP.Login will be great. The tutorial can show a custom login for /csp/sys app.
Yuri Marx almost 2 years ago in Documentation 6 Done by Community

Raw Code viewer for Classes

Someone asked me today as I was developing a custom Ens.Rule.FunctionSet function wanted to know if there was a way to view the code without having to open VSCode. If you view Routines, from within the Management Portal -->System Explorer -->...
Scott Roth 8 months ago in InterSystems Products 0 Will not implement

Vector Database Web Gateway offload encoding inbound and generative inference outbound

A scaled deployment of IRIS web application tends to have multiple web servers. These play well to load-balance traffic, providing good utilization on busy applications. Web Servers take over the checking and serving static of content, to let the ...
Alex Woodhead over 1 year ago in Generative AI 3 Planned or In Progress