Implement a new open-source based project for Class Reference. Which would not require IRIS for work, web only. It's 99% static, no reason in the database just a bunch of metadata.
with correct search by any class members
Thank you for submitting the idea.
This idea was implemented by Developer Community member(s). Please check the solution in the comments.
@Dmitry Maslennikov and @John Murray thank you both for implementing this idea.
🖥 Download Dmitry's app here: docs-intersystems
Check out the demo here: Class reference demo
🖥 Download John's app here: Doxygenerate
Check out the demo here: Class reference demo
📰 Read articles about the solution here:
Doxygenerate - a new tool for building standalone documentation of your IRIS application's object model
Producing PDF class documentation using Doxygenerate
🎬 Watch a video about the solution here:
Introducing Doxygenerate, a static documentation generator for InterSystems IRIS class packages