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InterSystems Ideas
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All ideas

Showing 464

Introduce the couchbase adapter

There is a need for Couchbase adapter for IRIS Interoperability.
Evgeny Shvarov about 3 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Will not implement

Refresh Button on the small messge browse in the Production panel

On the Production screen. After selecting a business host, the panel on the righthand side of the screeen contains tabs for "Log" and "Messages", and so forth. On the Log tab, there is a refresh button. The message tab does not have a refresh butt...
Stefan Cronje over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Done by Community

Class reference generator

Implement a new open-source based project for Class Reference. Which would not require IRIS for work, web only. It's 99% static, no reason in the database just a bunch of metadata. with correct search by any class members
Dmitry Maslennikov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Done by Community

Featured Article or Question

Create a section like "Featured app" to a weekly article (featured article or question choosen by a moderator, not only a new article but any article or question existent.
Yuri Marx almost 2 years ago in Community 4 Implemented

Object Browser

Browse and edit data Objects similar to how we can edit Globals
David Underhill over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

Tutorial about custom login with class extending %CSP.Login

The documentation about custom login is confusing, so a Tutorial about custom login with class extending %CSP.Login will be great. The tutorial can show a custom login for /csp/sys app.
Yuri Marx almost 2 years ago in Documentation 6 Done by Community

Raw Code viewer for Classes

Someone asked me today as I was developing a custom Ens.Rule.FunctionSet function wanted to know if there was a way to view the code without having to open VSCode. If you view Routines, from within the Management Portal -->System Explorer -->...
Scott Roth 8 months ago in InterSystems Products 0 Will not implement

Vector Database Web Gateway offload encoding inbound and generative inference outbound

A scaled deployment of IRIS web application tends to have multiple web servers. These play well to load-balance traffic, providing good utilization on busy applications. Web Servers take over the checking and serving static of content, to let the ...
Alex Woodhead over 1 year ago in Generative AI 3 Planned or In Progress

Change data capture from IRIS to kafka using SQL commands

Today it is common to push data from the database to datalake or to notify other systems about data CRUD using kafka. So I suggest create new SQL commands to register a sql table for publish data in json format to a kafka topic and SQL commands to...
Yuri Marx about 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Community Opportunity

Feed the InterSystems Developer Community AI with the documentation

I love the new Developer Community AI, which makes searching for subjects and doubts easier. It even writes code - fantastic!However, it still has a lot of questions that remain unanswered, and I believe that if it were fed not only from public po...
Heloisa Paiva 9 months ago in Community 0 Implemented