Often we need a unittest for a given objectscript class.
And the schema of unittest class is pretty typical:
the unittest class relates to a certain objectscript class but with the name Test before the class name
methods in unittest start with Test and then repeat the classmethod name of ObjecScript class, e.g. TestSomeMethod(), where SomeMethod is the method of original class.
Instead of manually creation the unittest class could be generated by default having testmethods for all the classmethods of the original class.
Thank you for submitting the idea.
This idea was implemented by Developer Community member(s). Please check the solution in the comments.
@José Roberto Pereira, @Henrique Dias, @Henry Pereira Thanks for implementation this idea. See iris-tripleslash application on the Open Exchange portal
Tool inspired by this idea: iris-TripleSlash 😉
Tool inspired by this idea:
great idea