Besides the fact that the selection of questions and articles is not obvious
I miss (also in the light of my previous idea forced auto tagging) useful selection criteria for TAGs
select more than 1 TAG (e.g.+ ObjectScript +Terminal +Studio +Vector +Windows)
de-select / disable TAGS that I don't want to see in my selection
eg: -Health*, -VSCode, -AI, -Python , -Ensemble (a.k.a. Interoperability)
Background: Actually, I feel spammed by a lot of subjects that might be of
interest to the community but definitely not to me.
Inspired by personal contacts in my local community I raised this idea.
Also as an indirect feedback, I learned that the number of members is growing
but the number of READERS and CONSUMERS of DC is shrinking.
Thank you for submitting the idea. The status has been changed to "Planned or In Progress".
This is not a commitment; plans are subject to change. Stay tuned!
Hi Robert! Thank you for the idea.
Could you elaborate please in which place you want to select and deselect Tags