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InterSystems Products

Showing 57

Add polling for changes to the VSCode extension(s)

Currently, if you edit code client-side in VSCode the local copy of any routines/classes remain static.If someone else makes a change, via Studio or another VSCode session etc..., then that change doesn't update my local client copy or flag that a...
David Underhill 7 days ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Will not implement

Add Search to Banner

We use the Search functionality in InterSystems HealthShare (Health Connect) to navigate around our TIE. This is only available on the Home page. It would be great if it could be part of the banner so searching is available on any screen.
Lewis Houlden 5 months ago in InterSystems HealthShare 1 Will not implement

Make IRIS a part of Spring Cloud

Many companies use Spring Cloud today. With the advent of the full cloud era, hospitals inevitably need to span multiple independent but interdependent applications or partners, and the traditional single ESB platform that only gives SOA architect...
王喆 👀 over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 7 Will not implement

Reinstate Studio as a fully supported code editor

Studio is a focused no-nonsense COS/CSP code editor.Although I like VS Code a lot for other programming languages, I find it overkill to just edit IRIS classes and routines. I also like the idea of a dedicated editor: for instance I use PyCharm fo...
Herman Slagman over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Will not implement

Errors messages to be more clear

I find it a bit hard to understand the error, maybe error messages can be clear or trying to detect misspelling and create a more understanding of error message.
Evans Tlhako 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Will not implement

Run rules chain by using Rule Editor without DTL

We may run the rules chain by using Rule Editor with DTL, which is applicable if regarding protocols-transformation and fields-mapping from sources to targets It is expected to run the rules chain by using Rule Editor without DTL, namely against a...
William Liu 8 months ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 3 Will not implement

Multidimensional vector search

Hope vector search can add high-dimensional vectors, such as certain image feature extraction using three-dimensional arrays
xuanyou du 9 months ago in InterSystems HealthShare 3 Will not implement

Full studio migration to VSCode

Implement the class, property, and index addition wizards implemented in the studio as extensions of VSCode. Also implement the inspector window in the same way. They are a good opportunity to forget how to write parameters, etc., or to learn para...
Akio Hashimoto over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 4 Will not implement

AntiMatter Code accelerator

SQL Engines employ "query rewrite" to effect a more efficient query to supplement user expertise or application knowledge. Can Mac / Int code generated by Classes be accelerated in a similar way? Beyond locating inefficient and discouraged code an...
Alex Woodhead over 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Will not implement

Expand Vector Arithmetics

Enhance Vectore calculation beyond VECTOR_COSINE(),TO_VECTOR(),VECTOR_DOT_PRODUCT() I especially miss these functions: FROM_VECTOR to get the content of $ZV into a variable (JSON ?) ADD_VECTOR() for transformation. For INT and DOUBLE DiFF_VECTOR()...
Robert Cemper 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 8 Will not implement