I am struggling with trying to understand on how to call a REST API and return the result in JSON format from a REST API externally.
Reading over the documentation and learning, there is a lot of information about creating a REST Client, but nothing really calls out if someone wants to make a REST call from an external system.
While each system is different, there seems to be a lack of understanding on how calling external REST API's could be beneficial especially for Healthcare as we move forward with FHIR.
What about those folks that do not host a FHIR repository on their InterSystems IRIS instance, but instead want to make calls to an External Repository like a Epic EMR?
Thank you for submitting the idea. Based on information from our experts the status of your idea was changed to "Will not implement". Please look for details in the comments on the idea. Good luck!
Hi Scott! Thank you for your idea. Based on the Community Team expert's opinion this tutorial is related to 3rd party software and can be found on sites with tutorials and web-based training.
Hi Scott!
Thank you for posting your idea on the InterSystems Ideas portal.
If you submitted this idea for the 2nd Idea-A-Thon contest could you please add a clear explanation of why the idea fits the contest topic "Run solutions fast, safe, and green with InterSystems IRIS"?
If this idea is not for the contest, sorry to bother you, and thanks again for your idea.