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InterSystems Products

Showing 334

Docker-friendly naming of IRIS Containers in Repository

It would be very helpful if the naming of the Community Edition IRIS containers in the Container Repository followed and adhered to a Docker-friendly convention. There are two parts to this: 1) Include a "latest version" Container. There used to b...
Rob Tweed about 2 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration

Add support for Markdown in class documentation

Allow for Markdown to be used in class documentation for easier formatting. This includes the Class Reference Page that should support it, as well as the documentation preview in VS Code.
Stefan Cronje 11 months ago in InterSystems Products 3 Community Opportunity

Implement autosave for DTL and BPL pages

This is a very recurrent complain from our customers, it's very common that they lose all the design implemented for a DTL/BPL after an automatic web page refresh or a session close. That would be great to have an automatic save where you can get ...
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 5 Planned or In Progress

Introduce Flyway Support in IRIS

Flyway is an opensource db migration tool. Here is the related discussion: It'd be great to have IRIS support. There is an attempt dated 3 years ago:
Evgeny Shvarov 29 days ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

Remember Preferred language selection for Management Portal "forever"

Everytime that the session of the Management Portal is closed the preferred language selected is lost, forcing to the user to change it the next time that log in. Using cookies would fix this problem, keeping the language selection at any time.
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 5 Future consideration

Simplify classnames calls in ObjectScript

Currently everyone use ##class(classname).methodname() to call it. e.g. do ##class(Sample).ClassMethod() This is one of the painful moments about ObjectScript for developers. Can we introduce a parallel support of more simplified way, as: #classna...
Evgeny Shvarov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Future consideration

Provide list for export

We utilise the Export feature to export classes from a production ready for a deployment. We already have a list of classes to deploy from our source control history. It would be handy if we could list out the classes/production items/ LUTs etc., ...
Lewis Houlden about 1 month ago in InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 Needs review

Add browser based terminal to Management Portal

Would be helpful for deployed servers in AWS/GCloud/etc. to be able to just access the terminal in management portal.
Robert Hanna about 1 year ago in InterSystems IRIS 4 Future consideration

Add %ConstructClone or Copy method in Dynamic Object and arrays

Currently we don't have option to clone the JSON object or array. Whenever I set the JSON object to another variable and execute the %Remove() or %Pop() method to in any of the object it impacts other(s) due to in memory same object reference. Add...
Ashok Kumar 2 months ago in InterSystems Products 2 Needs review

Pull in all classes and tables called in a resource at export.

I would like to see any utilized class, table, global variable, etc. that is utilized within a production component pulled into the export list when I export from that component. Right now, tables, XML message schemas, message classes, and others ...
Victoria Castillo 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 2 Community Opportunity