It would be very helpful if the naming of the Community Edition IRIS containers in the Container Repository followed and adhered to a Docker-friendly convention. There are two parts to this:
1) Include a "latest version" Container. There used to be a latest-em container but this seems to have disappeared, so anything that uses the Container Repository needs to be manually updated to use whatever is the latest version
2) Include a Docker-computable architecture in the name, ie conforming to this convention:
BUILDARCH is either "amd64" or "arm64"
Once again, this would remove the need for manual intervention when dealing with a specific architecture in order to use a Community Container. At present this convention is only applied to the arm64 version.
Thank you for submitting the idea. The status has been changed to "Future consideration".
Stay tuned!
Moving to the "Future Consideration" category to include an explicit container with the single architecture rather than rely exclusively on the multiarchitecture containers in place today
Fortunately, InterSystems Docker registry already supports multi-arch images
and you can use --platform flag in docker to use exact platform, it's very helpful, and does not require to change everywhere the image name, when you run it on different platforms
There is a "latest-em" label:
docker pull